

Adaptive management is based on continual learning and improvement. Periodic, staged reviews of how well a plan is implemented and how effective it is are essential, but there is also great value in regular ad-hoc reflections on how things are going and making minor adjustments between major reviews. The mantra of ‘Plan, Do, Review’ can be applied at different scales and time-frames.

While planning is essential, so is action (‘doing’) – and the two can go hand-in-glove. Tentative, small early steps can test ideas and provide feedback for more substantive plans. They build confidence and develop skills that enable longer-term plans to be enacted.

Integrated pest control plans can be daunting at first, but the most important step in a big journey is always the first one. If you don’t start you’ll never make any progress. Any action should be seen as a success in itself.

Leading questions are:

Plan Evaluation

The final aspect of ‘Plan, Do, Review’ is reflecting on effectiveness and lessons learnt. Always have a plan, but always be prepared to change it in light of experience gained.

Evaluation is about reflecting on what worked and what didn’t so future programs will be more effective and efficient. It requires evidence of what was done, when and where, and of the outcomes. The latter are especially important but can be hard to capture if not considered early and built into a monitoring plan.

Additional information and the opinions of others may also be required. It is often useful to have another set of eyes to help determine what worked well and what could be improved. If the data or evidence you would like to see for review isn’t available, it is an indication that the Monitoring section of the plan needs attention.

Plan Revision

Revision is about responding to the conclusions reached in evaluation. It may result in simple adjustments or more substantive change warranting consultation with others to test proposals. Technical experts and experienced managers may provide valuable advice, as can those involved in implementation of the plan.

Rabbit control is a long-term, recurring program so revision is very important. It is not a matter of ‘set and forget’. Rather it is often a matter of ‘plan, do, review, and go again’ – making improvements in the process and building on, or maintaining, successes to date.

Evaluation and revision enables continuous improvement in rabbit control.

Useful Resources

References & Weblinks

RabbitScan Handy Resources – Monitoring tools

Monitoring Pest Animals – Agriculture Victoria
