Summer rabbits – how to respond

Early summer can result in more sightings of rabbits, especially young ones born since breeding that was stimulated by spring rainfall. The RHDV1-K5 virus has been approved for release but it doesn’t kill young rabbits – it actually provides them with life-long immunity. So now is not the time for a planned K5 release. Instead, […]

Search to begin for the next rabbit bio-control.

First there was myxomatosis, then RHDV, but what is next? Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) are funding CSIRO to search for the next potential rabbit bio-control for Australia, according to a recent announcement from the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS). The $7.7 million project aims to assess rabbit viruses from south America as potential […]

Revamped Pest Management Website – Rabbit control guides

The PestSmart website, which provides best practice guides for rabbits and other vertebrate pests, has been revamped by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. Structured around a Plan > Manage > Improve framework, it provides a practical approach and countless resources all tailored to help land managers deal with invasive pests. As examples, for rabbits, […]

Blowflies tracking calicivirus

Blowflies are looking increasingly promising as an additional way to monitor the extent of calicivirus across Australia. A team led by Robyn Hall (CSIRO) have published the findings of research comparing the detection of RHDV in samples from flies with samples from dead rabbits, concluding that there was a good correlation between the two techniques; […]

Plans to register RHDV2 for controlled release.

The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) hopes to register RHDV2 as a biological rabbit control by 2023. The form of rabbit calicivirus appeared in Australia from overseas in 2015, just ahead of the controlled release of calicivirus RHDV1-K5 in 2017. Since then, RHDV2 has been responsible for the death of nearly half the rabbits […]

Award Winning K5 in the News

The RHDV1-K5 team from the Centre for Invasive Species (CISS) has won a National Biosecurity Award for work in the 2017 release and monitoring of the rabbit control virus. When accepting the Award, the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions noted it was a strong cooperative endeavour between the Australian Government, NSW Department of Primary Industries, […]